Universities and Colleges

Norstar Education Group Inc. collaborates with the following universities and colleges in program promotions and student recruitment:



University of Western ontaio king's Univeristy College

McMaster University

University of Manitoba

Thompson River University

Institutes & Colleges:

Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology

George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology

Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology

Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Toronto inernational College

For details of the above collaboration
programs, please contact the Director,
International Partnership at
Tel:416-739-1888, Ext. 1888

King's University College at the University of Western Ontario

On May 28,2007,Norstar Education Group Inc. entered into an agreement with the King's University of Western Ontario which authorizes Ontario NEG to recruit and refer international students to the King's University College from China, India, Vietnam,Colombia,Arabian countries and Mexico........