As a trusted educational consulting agency, NEG has over 20 trained professional staff offering universities and colleges as well as their current and prospective international students a full range of services including:
Service to international Students
-assisting universities and colleges to recruit excellent international students;
-identifying international student recruitment agencies, and establishing and maintaining world-wide student recruitment agency network;
-international marketing assistance, student screening and case processing;
-assisting universities and colleges with student retention and success by studnet school
communication and problem solving throughtout students' terms of study;
-organizing and hosting seminars and exhibitions to promote studying in the USA and Canada to students from Asian, South America, Africa and Europe.
- professinal counseling to assist students with their future study card and career plans;
- professinal counseling to assist students with their school and program selection;
- accommodation and visa applications;
-travel and flight planning for students with different overeas destinations
-ariport pick-up and reception;
-pre-departure training
-comprehensive post-landing servies such as assisting students to open bank accounts,purchasing medical insurance and public transportation passes, etc;
-On-going student-school or school-parent communciation problem solving throughtout student's terms of study.